Testimonials and Reviews for Decipher Tools

Do you need to save iPhone text messages or voicemails to your computer? Do you need to fix a broken iTunes or Finder backup? Here is what some of our amazing customers are saying about Decipher Tools.

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Viewing reviews 1501 to 1600 of 1969

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Regina Nishitani Souza

June 5, 2016 1:27 PM

I had my device replaced due to a problem on the LCD and had the corrupted backup problem, unfortunately. At first, I freaked out, thinking about the possibility of losing all my data, but then, searching on the web I found about Decipher Backup Repair and decided to give it a try. Bingo! It worked perfectly!!! Thank you sooooo much!!

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Decipher Media

June 6, 2016 12:27 AM

Thanks Regina, we really appreciate it! :-)

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Susan Huynh

June 2, 2016 8:12 PM

I recently had the same issue when trying to restore a backup on to a replacement device provided by Apple (due to faulty hardware on my previous device). Encountered the "iTunes could not restore the iPhone "<Name>'s iPhone" because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone that is being restored.

Contacted AppleCare technical support who told me to do all the obvious things (update software, restart, restore etc...).

I tried updating both versions of iTunes and iOSx to the latest versions however still obtained the same error so I knew it was not a compatibility issue and therefore most likely a corrupt backup file. After thinking I had lost eight years worth of data, I did some research and stumbled upon forums where people had had success with software called 'Decipher Backup Repair' developed by a company called Decipher Tools. Was skeptical at first but the reviews were all positive and for $29.99 decided to give it a shot. Voila within 1.5 hours, the correct backup file was repaired and all my data was restored. So happy!

Thank you Decipher Tools for developing such fantastic software! You saved me a lot of headache and made restoring my backup simple and easy to use. Apple should take a leaf out of your book and use this software as part of their standard support troubleshooting.

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Decipher Media

June 3, 2016 4:01 PM

Hi Susan, that's great news that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your broken iPhone backup. Thanks for taking the time to let us know, we really appreciate it.

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Jonathan Histed

May 29, 2016 6:31 PM

Worked like a charm, with an iphone 6+, 128 gb latest IOS (May 2016) IOS 9.3.2 which wiki tells me has only been out 13 days. I was backing up my iphone as per the Apple technical help, in anticipation of a replacement under an insurance policy as after 18 months the touch screen has virtually packed up due to an internal hardware fault. I had backed it up via USB via itunes on my windows 7 PC, and restored the phone to factory settings to see if the screen issue went away. I'd backed it up half a dozen times in the last month : all missing when I looked for the files, but itunes on each occason had told me it had been backed up. Sheesh. The latest backup thank god was present, (about 20 gig in size) but itunes reported " incompatible or corrupted backup" on trying to restore it, to the original phone. Apple suggested "it might back up on the new phone..." balderdash. The problem was with the backups not the phone. I was keen to see if I could restore it before losing my "dodgy" phone, to the courier when swapped for the replacement, in case "decipher" was not succesful, and I would then try backup decryption software to extract the things I really needed, from the backup on my laptop, or indeed what might be accessible on the phone.

When will Apple grow up and make products fit for commercial use ? Apparently itunes does not check the backups it generates and there are no utilities from Apple . What a joke. I always forget iphones are toys, and I shouldn't really use one for business purposes. I guess at the price I shouldn't have to think of it as a toy though.

Apple technical help were useless as when confronted with a proper technical issue, their suggestion of "it might restore with the new phone" was risible. It had in fact resotred from a backup from 3 years ago, so I knew the hardware was capable of restoring and be largely working (except for the screen), hence I took the matter in to my own hands as Apple were obviously not providing meaningful technical backup, and found and used this product. As I say, worked first pop, and found aparenlty a file present in the backup that shouldn't have been : it claimed from an earlier verion of IOS. So sounds as though it was a screw up brought about by awful awful incompetent itunes. Apple fr god sakes produce some decent software for dealing with the phone from a PC. Itunes has always been a joke.
Anyway Decipher worked well and was pretty fast, very very easy to use . Thank you ! If you think this might help you : don't dither : pay the money, use it - it's great.

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Decipher Media

May 30, 2016 6:09 PM

Thanks for the kind words Jonathan. We really appreciate it and we are happy that Decipher Backup Repair did its job!

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Timothy Welsh

May 28, 2016 10:08 AM

$30 seems a bit steep, but it worked perfectly so thanks.

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Decipher Media

May 28, 2016 9:37 PM

We're really happy Decipher Backup Repair fixed your corrupt iPhone backup Tim. Thanks a lot for letting us know! ;-)

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Matthew Douglas

May 24, 2016 12:12 PM

Was apprehensive at first based on some reviews of other similar products. Although I didn't have luck on the first attempt, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a response to my email (within a matter of minutes!). They're a real company with real people behind it (based in San Fran I understand). While I didn't need any enhanced help, Jay was there; ready and willing to support. All in all, the Advanced Repair helped and I was able to save my 15 + months of photos! Thanks

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Decipher Media

May 25, 2016 12:08 AM

Thanks Matt and we appreciated your patience while trying to get the backup fixed. It's makes us happy that Decipher Backup Repair was able to fix the backup and that all of your important iPhone photos were recovered! ;-)

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Sebastian Granger

May 24, 2016 3:31 AM

I just bought your softweare after my backup could not be restored to my new iPhone as the message was the "backup was corrupt...".
Ran the program over my backup, was sceptical that it would work, and waited with baited breath for the restoration to complete....AND IT WORKED!!!!!

You guys are geniuses, saved me hours and hours of restoring apps and data....but more importantly restored all my photos....all 1800 of them

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Aviance Bennett

May 19, 2016 7:53 AM

Thank you so much. 100% recommended

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Decipher Media

May 19, 2016 4:21 PM

Thanks Aviance and we appreciated your patience wtih the couple of back and forth emails between us. Happy that the advanced repair worked and that your broken backup is now fixed.

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Koduru Krishna

May 19, 2016 3:47 AM

Hi...Really 100% usefull.....Solved my problem...i got all my databack.

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Decipher Media

May 19, 2016 4:19 PM

Hi Koduru, thanks for purchasing Decipher Backup Repair and for being a customer. We're glad everything went well with the repair. ;-)

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Teresa Pfaffhausen

May 13, 2016 10:02 AM

Thank you so much guys for fixing my phone and saving all of my data! 100% recommended!

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Bruce Elliott

May 13, 2016 6:52 AM

Decipher Backup worked great to restore the data on my iPhone 6. It took 2 additional passes witht he Advanced Repair option to get it to work. Until this, I had tried many other suggestions on how to get past the very non-descript failure of "iPhone Disconnected" error during the restore process.

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Decipher Media

May 13, 2016 1:53 PM

Hi Bruce, thanks for being a customer. Great news that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your broken iPhone backup and we appreciate you letting us know.

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Samy Keilani

May 12, 2016 4:48 AM

I can only confirm that yes this application does work, it saved me a big headache, and solved my iPhone restore problem in a few minutes. Thank you.

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Decipher Media

May 13, 2016 1:54 PM

We're really happy that Decipher Backup Repair did its job Samy! Have a great rest of your week.:-)

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Weenie Dai

May 12, 2016 1:10 AM

OMG this software saved my 30G backup file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is superrrrrrrrrrrrrr awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! At first i was also afraid that this was just a scam, but i purchased and tried, it really works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I really really appreciate all the efforts you've made for this software!! It's easy to use and saved my backup file!!!!!!!!!!!!! 30G contains of more than 10 thousand photos and videos which are exactly my treasure!!!! Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!:)If anyone has experienced your itunes telling you that "iTunes could not restore the iPhone/iPad/iPod because the backup was corrupt or not compatible the iPhone that is being restored", you should definitely try this!这个软件很好用,如果iTunes提示你的备份文件损坏或不兼容,试试这个软件吧,我的30G备份文件就被它给拯救回来了!下面的评论不是托哦~建议拷贝一份备份文件到其他地方,然后试试这个软件。

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John Morton

May 8, 2016 8:18 AM

Absolutely brilliant. I had given up hope, especially after the first attempt at using this software did not work - but I persevered and used the next level of "Advanced Repair"... and it worked!!! They've also gone to the trouble to make it a very beautiful experience - it's not just a tool that saves the day, it does so with style. I can't recommend it enough.

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Decipher Media

May 8, 2016 2:32 PM

Thanks John! We're glad to hear that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your corrupt iPhone backup. ;-) We really appreciate you letting us know and also for the kind words about the experience. Have a great rest of your weekend!

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Adrian Parsons

May 6, 2016 4:27 AM

Thanks so much. Exactly as I needed, Decipher Tools gave me my Health Data on a fresh copy of iOS. 16gb iPhone users rejoice....

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Jesse Nye

May 1, 2016 8:39 PM

This is truly an awesome company and does customer support better than any other! 100% fully recommended as this company does what apple support cannot!

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Decipher Media

May 2, 2016 4:49 PM

Thanks Jesse! We really appreciate you being a customer and for the kind words!

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Julia Gonzalez

May 1, 2016 4:27 AM

This is not a scam, I was skeptical and even though I was routed back to this website, I didnt want to pay for something that in my opinion could and should be quickly solved. I barely glanced at the messages assuming they were probably from someone that worked in the company. Not true! This works, Im real, no where associated with Decipher Tools its 5:10 am Houston time and I stand behind this company that I am typing this message after I was done getting it fixed. My issue began when my battery constantly kept draning. I postponed the appointments but decided to go, 4/29/16. I backed up my data and as other Apple users have, i've restored from back ups. Knowing I was going to get my issue diagnosed I backed up my data as usual. (ALWAYS BACK UP) Went to Apple. They were able to switch out my phone (yay apple care) I decided to restore later on since I had my data backed up and didnt need it . Saturday afternoon (4/30, yesterday), I decided to start restoring my back up and to my dismay, I got the "iTunes could not restore the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone being restored." First thing I did was google what the message was, I was routed to a few websites, and I saw some dated information, there was a post from someone with Decipher promoting the product, yes I checked it out but quickly closed it and wanted to do nothing with it. I tried for hours tirelessly trying to fix it myself. Nothing, I was growing desperate and did more research. Competitors popped up as well, the price was not as comparable as Decipher, I went back to Decipher and for 30 dollars, I decided what else do I have to loose? Ill use my paypal and if it doesnt work, Ill use their money back guarantee. Best 30 dollars that I've spent. Compared to loosing years of pictures, which are priceless to me, I would rather spend 30. I ran the diagnostic that is offered prior to purchase and it found some things. I purchased the product and continued from there, I will say, I had the same error, I felt defeated, but I decided to do it again. (I dont think this is an issue, I just know it was a 4 hour difference from the time of download and diagnostic to purchase, may have been user error in my part). Second time, I restarted again, they diagnosed everything, it took a while since I had over 100g of data obviously it wont be immediately and that I understand. Then I backed up. The process ended at 4am 5/1 1hr ago. May I say most of my time spent from yesterday to now was me doing research not the product itself. Save yourself the trouble, buy it and dont waste your time. Im glad I did, this was a learning experience for me. I was able to retrieve my data, there were some corrupt files but I dont care I rather loose 40 pictures/videos than 100+ gigs of data. Well worth the money.
Im glad that this is a affordable product and im so glad that decipher is going to the message boards to post even if they are old posts. Thank you for coming up with a product that is easy to use and affordable. I am forever greatful. Please forgive my errors as I type, the sun is about to come up here in Houston and Im running in no sleep.

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Vova Valin

April 24, 2016 10:08 PM

I never leave reviews but couldn't pass with this one. Dicipher really works! Got a new iPhone and and when it came to restoring it I got a message "iTunes could not restore the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone that is being restored". Was lucky enough to find a forum on Dicepher. Was skeptical but took the risk. End up being the 5% and the "advanced Repair" did it. Thank you!!! I love entrepreneurs that come up with creative ideas to help people while making a living. Thank you once again!!!

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Decipher Media

April 25, 2016 2:58 PM

Thanks so much Vova and we really appreciate you being a customer!

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Ai Jia

April 22, 2016 12:59 PM

i was so happy when Apple replaced my phone (home button not working) with a new phone. However, i ireally panicked when i tried to restore backup for the upteenth time and the error message showed that it was either corrupt or incompatible, especially when I last backed up just two days ago (and not any backup before). Tried a lot of ways on the net and decided to just shell out $30 for this, as it seems to have really great reviews and needed minimum effort. OMG so glad I did!! Everything went smoothly, and the repair of the backup file in fact took less than half hour. Installing the repaired backup on the phone took longer but went smoothly. Lo and behold, my phone is back! I am super relieved and thankful to the developers. Money well spent, it really works!! THANK YOU!

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Decipher Media

April 23, 2016 12:18 AM

Thanks for the kind words Ai and also for being a customer. We really appreciate it. ;-)

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Todd Madson

April 20, 2016 12:35 AM

Apple replaced my iPhone tonight rather unexpectedly when a combination of camera module issues and other internal problems I couldn't even see sort of forced their hand (thank you, Applecare). However, when I got the new phone home my recent backup was unable to restore most likely due to the fact that the backup was keyed to the IMEI number of the old phone and literally all of the backups I had came up as corrupt or damaged.

I'm not unfamiliar to IT challenges and tried all kinds of arcane things over a period of 5 to 6 hours with no luck at all. I was on the verge of just deciding to break down and start all over when I came across a post from a Kelly Wilkerson from 2014 on an Apple forum talking about this new tool that might be able to recover my data.

I gave Decipher Backup Repair a chance (I've spent more on dinners out so.....) and lo and behold it actually worked. I was able to recover some data that would have been very difficult to recover elsewise so it was more than worth every penny in my opinion. Thank you Decipher Tools!

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Edwin Guerra

April 18, 2016 1:54 AM

I was probably just as skeptical as most of you were, but after 3 hours of trying to figure it out, the Advanced tool did the trick. It took a while, but very worth it. I had a corrupted restore file and thought I was going to loose everything ( work pics, contacts, and text messages that I have with customers. It worked awesome. THANKS!!!

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Cameron Abraham

April 17, 2016 1:56 PM

Worked Great! Very happy with how smoothly it restored my iphone. Highly recommend using this if your having trouble restoring your iphone.

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Ross Davis

April 17, 2016 12:34 AM

I thought all was lost until i came upon this website. I even thought oh hell 30 dollars gone to scammers but this site is legit. Got my old corrupted back up running like it should in no time. Thank You Decipher. I am one satisfied customer and 10/10 would reccomend.

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Decipher Media

April 19, 2016 3:30 PM

Thank you for being a customer Ross. We work really hard to make helpful iPhone software and it's makes us very happy that your broken iTunes backup is now fixed after running Decipher Backup Repair. ;-)

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Gundam William

April 16, 2016 9:52 PM

You might be thinking just like me 2 hours ago. My file is corrupted and there's no hope anymore, these might all be bots writing good stuff to support this scam. I thought this was sketchy too, you might think I'm saying that only to get you to use this product, but this actually works! I was nervious at first since I was putting 30$ on the line but trust me (again with the mind games) I'm a real person and it worked everywell.

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Decipher Media

April 19, 2016 3:27 PM

Hi William! We're really glad that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your broken iPhone backup. Thanks for the kind words above. We appreciate it! ;-)

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Lance Grisham

April 16, 2016 5:42 AM

I thought for sure this was a scam and that my corrupt back up could not be recovered. I had backed up my phone before going to Apple not knowing it was corrupt and wouldn't work at the time and so I heard Apple will replace your entire phone for free is the flashlight doesn't work. So I went to get a new phone after backing up to my computer iTunes. When I got home with my new phone it wouldn't back up because I was getting the error message that the backup was corrupt and not compatible. After researching high and low for a fix to my problem so i wouldn't lose years worth of pictures and contacts, I found Decipher and read the reviews hoping they were not fake. I went out on a limb and purchased the license for $30 bucks because I didn't have anything else to lose at this point and it actually worked. I'm so thankful and happy this program exists!!!

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Decipher Media

April 16, 2016 4:07 PM

Hi Lance, we're very happy that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your corrupt iTunes backup. We are software developers here in San Francisco working hard to make helpful programs for the iPhone and we appreciate you taking the time to let us know that all your data was saved. This makes us happy! ;-)

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Ash Roberts

April 9, 2016 6:48 PM

Product works entirely as promised on the website. I had taken a backup of a previous iPhone 6 before returning it to Apple with a hardware fault. Apple replaced it with a new phone so when I got home and attempted to restore from backup, to receive the "iTunes could not restore the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone that is being restored" error, I was devastated as I had no old phone to be able to access all my data from. After about 4 hours of research, I stumbled across the Decipher Tools product and decided paying the small fee for the product was worth the chance (especially with all the other positive/successful reviews and also providing a money back guarantee if it didnt work). The Decipher Tools product fixed the corrupt backup within 15-20 minutes, and after another hour of the actual restore process, I was back in the game. The new phone is now fully operational and functioning as it should. All I can say, is that my experience with Decipher Tools was extremely positive and I would highly recommend this to anyone who is experiencing the same problem as I did.

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Decipher Media

April 10, 2016 4:23 PM

Thanks for the kind words Ash! We're trying to make helpful software and we're really glad Decipher Backup Repair did its job and fixed your iPhone backup! ;-)

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Terry Psarras

April 8, 2016 12:48 PM

Very happy with this product. I was able to restore the 3 corrupted backups I had. Quick response on the one question I had. Overall, very satisfied.

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Decipher Media

April 8, 2016 7:58 PM

Thanks Terry! We really appreciate it and we're glad to hear that Decipher Backup Repair fixed all your broken iPhone backups!

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Diana Chen

April 5, 2016 1:16 AM

Your product was like an angel coming down from Heaven. I was so shocked the in despair when I saw the message "iTunes could not restore the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone that is being restored" in Chinese. I called the Apple authorized center and they simply told me that there was nothing they could do. The only advice they gave me was to try to copy the backup file to another computer and try to recover again. Thank the universe that there was an article written in Chinese about your product. I was so thrilled when I saw the recovery was successful and all my messages in the Line and WeChat came back. Thank you so much again!

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Aaron John

April 4, 2016 5:09 PM

Saved the day, thanks! If that hadn't worked, the next backup was dated June 2014.

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Steve White

April 1, 2016 12:36 AM

Great product!! Awesome customer support!! I submitted a question at 11:00pm on a Thusday night about an issue I was having with TextMessge and got a response and a solution within 5 minutes, from Jay, one of the co-founders. That is customer service!! I highly recommend this product!

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Shan Lai

March 31, 2016 7:38 AM


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March 31, 2016 5:59 AM

Thank you so much for the great tool!!! You save my life!!!!

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Tommy Kak

March 28, 2016 4:36 AM

Thank you so much for the great tool. I was unsure and next to impossible to think that I can restore my iPhone corrupted back up as I used many programs without avail. Not to tell you that I was hesitated to pay for the this tool. lately, I can't express my happiness and my feeling know after restore my back up again as I had a very important information.
For those who are encountered this message while restoring the itunes back up "iTunes could not restore the iPhone/iPad/iPod because the backup was corrupt or not compatible the iPhone that is being restored" save your time and effort and get this easy tool.

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Marlee Kruusimäe

March 26, 2016 7:42 AM

OMG u are such a lifesaver. I cried the whole day and then I dicovered your page. I had already given up but then I decided to try and pay.
I thank you from the heart!!! All the best to you!!!!!

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Decipher Media

March 26, 2016 4:20 PM

We're very happy to hear that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your corrupt iPhone backup Marlee! Thanks for being a customer and letting us know. ;-)

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Corey McKinney

March 25, 2016 4:42 PM

This app saved my life!! My iPhone was acting up, so I did a backup and restore... Well, after iTunes wiped my iPhone and started the restore, it said my backup was corrupt and couldn't restore it. Over 250 apps, over 1200 photos, over 500 contacts...gone. So I went searching online to find help. I came across Decipher and it worked wonders to fix the corruption and allowed me to restore the backup and get everything back on my iPhone. Apple should have this service built into iTunes.

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Decipher Media

March 25, 2016 11:06 PM

Thanks for being a customer Corey! Great news that Decipher Backup Repair was helpful. This makes us very happy. ;-)

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Neil Snape

March 23, 2016 4:17 PM

Glad you made an app to repair the backups that should not have been problematic. Shame on Apple. Your app worked perfectly well saving hours of tedious settings. A bit pricy but my time is worth the 30$. Happy to not have had to go through each app, restore settings etc. Great stuff, highly recommended.

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Decipher Media

March 24, 2016 3:29 PM

Hi Neil, thanks for taking the time to let us know that Decipher Backup Repair successfully fixed your broken iPhone backup. This makes us happy and we really appreciate you being a customer.

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Meg Fucillo Vaughan

March 23, 2016 11:03 AM

I am trying to find a way to print out an entire text message conversation with dates and times still showing (and who its between) - will this program do this?

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Decipher Media

March 23, 2016 5:45 PM

Hi Meg, thanks for writing to us. Happy to help. Decipher TextMessage will indeed let you print our your text messages. I would download the free trial and see if the program is right for your needs. If you have any questions, it's best to contact us via our support email on our site since this is our testimoinal page. ;-)

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Tiffany Alyssa Vasquez

March 20, 2016 2:11 PM

This was super easy to use. I backed up my iPhone before taking it to the Apple Store to get a replacement, came home and figured out my files were corrupted. EVERYTHING was on there. I did a quick search on the Internet and found Decipher Tools. I was a little skeptical, but went for it anyways. I had all of my data back on my phone within 20 minutes. It was so simple to use. Thank you!!

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Decipher Media

March 21, 2016 11:35 PM

Great news Tiffany. We're really happy Decipher Backup Repair was able to fix your broken iTunes backup. ;-)

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Wendy Taavola

March 19, 2016 2:09 PM

Thank you so much!!! I lost my backup after my son passed away and was totally stressed!! It recovered everything. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

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Decipher Media

March 19, 2016 8:40 PM

We're so very sorry to hear abouy your son Wendy and you are in our thoughts. We're happy that Decipher Backup Repair was helpful and that all your iPhone data is now safe and sound. Thanks for taking the time to let us know!

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Roger Chu

March 16, 2016 8:57 PM

To start off, I have to say that this tool is a LIFESAVER!!

As with many of the other users/reviewers, I was having an issues restoring a backup file to a new phone. Apparently, my backup file may have had some corrupt files and I had spent countless hours researching and trying to migrate my files over until I got the dreaded "error code -36."

After spending waaaay too much time trying to troubleshoot it on my own. I did not know what to do or where to turn, and I thought my all the history and data on my phone was lost.....until I read a few articles about Decipher Backup Repair.

The tool was very easy to use and was able to restore just about everything to my new phone with the latest backup file, within about 30 minutes! I could not believe and am so grateful for this tool!

Also, the customer service is awesome! Jay, one of the co-founders helped me with adjusting my purchase. He was very responsive, helpful and I could tell he wanted to help me out. I had some photos that I thought were lost but, Jay from the Decipher team provided me with a quick trick that helped to restoring nearly all of my photos!

I wish I had found this tool sooner, but nonetheless am happy to have learned that you guys know that not only this tool exists, but it works! And, it’s backed up a great team. If you ever get stuck in a jam like this, I highly, highly recommend using the tool and working with the team at Decpiher Media.....well with your time and money!

Thanks Decipher Media!! Roger

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Victoria Jo Bobrow

March 16, 2016 12:09 PM

super! saved my bacon!

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Ashley Simpson

March 15, 2016 5:57 PM

After my son dropped my phone in water, I was concerned about my ability to get back all of my information onto a new phone, after trying to restore a the phone to my old backup it came up with the corrupted file error. I tried another program that was a complete rip off (it was no Doctor - hint), didn't even install properly and they won't refund my money. So I rolled the dice again with another program claiming to have the solution and I was gladly delighted with Decipher backup repair, I needed to do an advanced repair of the old backup, but after that my new phone was back up and running perfectly. It saved me countless hours of manually adding data. Customer support was very good, they did what they said and offered great assistance when I had a problem. Can't recommend this company enough.

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Decipher Media

March 16, 2016 4:19 PM

Thanks Ashely! It's makes us really happy that Decipher Backup Repair was able to fix your corrupt iPhone backup. We really appreciate you being a customer and for the kind words! ;-)

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Nik Fenrir

March 15, 2016 11:02 AM

Simple and straight forward. I had my doubts, but it did the job, fast and smoothly. Pricy for what it does, but a big thank you for saving me hours and hours of troubleshooting. My old backup is up and running again.

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Clinton Atkins

March 11, 2016 6:19 PM

Tried all the available troubleshooting to restore from a corrupt backup - nothing worked. Decipher was fairly straightforward and I've got all my data from my most recent backup. Thank you!

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Roberto Roxburgh

March 9, 2016 7:11 PM

My iPhone backup was failing, I found Decipher Backup Repair in a google seach and purchased it to repair my backup. The software found the issues in the backup and repaired them, however I was still unable to restore my phone from the repaired backup. I contacted customer service only to get a reply in less than 15min. They had me collect and emailed some logs of the failed restored and again about 15min later replied with a solution to restore my phone. My phone is now restored completely and I have all of my data. This software was very helpful and customer service is very fast. Thanks again to them. Worth it if you are having issues restoring from an iPhone backup.

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Decipher Media

March 10, 2016 6:19 PM

Thanks Roberto! We are very happy that Decipher Backup Repair helped recover your backup and all your data. ;-)

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Evan Barrera

March 8, 2016 6:11 PM

My iPhone backup seemed to be completely useless, nothing I was doing could fix it. After hours of googling I stumbled upon Decipher Tools and decided to spend the $30 to give it a try. Worst case scenario it doesn't work and they give me my money back. At first it wasn't working but after contacting customer support they helped me out step by step and I was able to fix my backup and recover hundreds of photos I thought had been lost forever. Best $30 I've probably ever spent. Definitely worth it if your backup isn't working!

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Edward Tuttle

March 7, 2016 4:40 PM

I contacted Apple because my screen was acting very erratic. They had me restore the settings on my phone and then restore from my backup. Unfortunately the backup was corrupt and couldn't be restored. I downloaded Backup Repair this morning and ran it to no avail. BUT... I contacted support early this morning and got a reply in about an hour. Kelly Wilkerson (co-founder/lead developer) took on the case and persisted with me via email until late this afternoon when she finally found the issue preventing the backup from restoring. I rarely ever experience that kind of dedication and service from anyone I do business with (I operate a design/illustration studio out of my home). I will recommend Decipher to any one who asks... and even to those who don't ask! I am very grateful.

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Rukmankan Sivaloganathan

March 5, 2016 12:49 PM

Was sceptical at first but was pretty desperate to recover my backup. Worked like a charm!

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Decipher Media

March 5, 2016 6:57 PM

Thanks for the kind words Rukmankan. We're glad Decipher Backup Repaired fixed your corrupt iPhone backup! ;-)

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Tammy van der Wijk

February 26, 2016 7:41 AM

My iphone back up wouldn't transfer - I was stuck because I had important information on my phone. I was skeptical that this program would fix my problem but I tried it and it did! I had to use the advanced fix but in only a few minutes my back up was fixed and on my phone. Thank you so much! As well when I emailed for help they responded immediatly, excellent product, excellent customer service. I can't say enough good things!

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Decipher Media

February 26, 2016 6:00 PM

Thanks for the kind words and for being a customer Tammy! We really appreciate it.

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Paul Wood

February 25, 2016 1:10 PM

This worked a treat. I connected my trusty iPhone 6 to my new MacBook Pro, and took a backup. No problems... Apparenty. Then it said it needed a new iOS version, ok, so it already has 9.2.1, but the 9.2.1 that iTunes wanted to install must have some improvements, right? Wrong. When the phone refused to reboot, I connected to iTunes to recover and the backup that was taken moment earlier was now "corrupt." A bit of Googling lead me here, and I am so glad that it did, because everything is working now. Thank guys! But Apple, it's really time to get your act together! Sheesh...

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Seow Cheen

February 24, 2016 12:48 AM

Thank you so much!!! After Advanced repairing it really saved my backup! I highly recommend users with same issue try out this software. Its worth the money :)

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Isabella Smith

February 15, 2016 2:53 PM

Question for anyone who bought this? Does it transfer game data? Does it truly fix the corrupt data?
I just want to fix the corrupted data and backup my new phone.

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Decipher Media

February 17, 2016 4:00 PM

Thanks for the question Isabella! Decipher Backup Repair does fix broken backups that are reported as corrupt by iTunes. Please feel free to contact us (the contact link at the very top of this page) if you want to talk more about your specific situation. We're happy to answer questions and make sure we find the tool that is the correct fit for your issue.

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Ben Andrews

February 14, 2016 5:04 PM

Just bought a new iPhone 6s. Made a full backup of my 5s to my Macbook before heading to the apple store. Turned in the 5s for $200 and wiped all the data clean at the store. Came home and plugged in the 6s, and I got the dreaded "backup corrupt" message. Talked with apple support and couldn't resolve it. Tried multiple different backups from time machine and couldn't get a restore. Backup Repair did the job in about 15 minutes. All photos, texts, notes, etc restored. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

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Vicky Jane Shepherd

February 13, 2016 5:50 PM

After spending 2 hours talking to apple who couldn't fix my corrupted back up. This is the best £20 I've spent as I would have lost 3 years worth of backup data, phone numbers and everything!

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Decipher Media

February 14, 2016 4:28 PM

Thanks for the kind words Vicky! ;-) Great news that Decipher Backup Repair was able to fix your corrupt iPhone backup! This is exactly why we created the software and we're really glad it helped.

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Elyse Berman

February 13, 2016 7:47 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

This has been a terrific tool to use for backing up text messages. Thank you.

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Todd Boyd

February 13, 2016 1:02 AM

This has been a wonderful tool to free up space on my phone and back up messages that I may need for a variety of professional reasons.

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Julie Johnstone

February 10, 2016 2:28 AM

Dear Decipher Tools, thank you so so so so much for helping me fix my phone. I had the problem with the "iTunes could not restore the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or incompatible" and I thought that I lost everything - notes, pictures, texts, contacts, etc.... I spent the entire night in a panic and had no idea what to do. The software from you managed to get every single thing back and I am so happy and so grateful!! Thank you so much. - Sincerely, a university student who can sleep peacefully now

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Decipher Media

February 10, 2016 6:17 PM

Thanks Julie! Your note to us made our day. We are really glad that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your corrupt iPhone backup. Thanks for taking the time to let us know and also for being a customer. We really appreciate it. ;-)

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Sergio Hernández

February 6, 2016 11:22 PM

My phones backup was corrupted and could not back up my new phone, this software fixed it!!! i thought all my precious information was gone forever and got it back to the way it was. Life saver!!

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Decipher Media

February 7, 2016 3:49 PM

Great news Sergio. We're glad that Decipher Backup Repair did its job! Thanks for taking the time to let us know.

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William Layzell

February 6, 2016 1:48 PM

Dear Decipher Tools, thank you for being my IT saviour! I dropped my iphone, got a replcement for free. All seemed to be going so well. I got home, restored my latest backup only to find it was 'corrupt or not compatible'. Apple IT support said it was beyond repair and that all was lost. Then I found you on google. I can't thank you enough - you've saved a LOT of hastle. I'd highly recommend.

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Decipher Media

February 6, 2016 10:40 PM

Hi William. We're really happy that Decipher Backup Repair was able to fix your broken iPhone backup. This made our day and we really appreciate taking the time to let us know! ;-) Thanks for being a customer, we really appreciate it!

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Jennifer Damon

February 5, 2016 6:17 PM

Didn't work for me. The DecipherText app crashed on open. Also says I have 0 activations remaining, though my license says I have 2 unused activations. The demo looks good, but can't get anything beyond that after paying. Requesting refund.

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Jennifer Damon

February 6, 2016 1:21 AM

Rebooting my computer got it to work for me, and their software seems to work well like everyone else posted.

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Decipher Media

February 6, 2016 4:43 AM

Hi Jennifer, we're glad things are working now. If you have any other troubles, just email us again at our support address and we'll be happy to help!

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Jeremy Qiao

February 3, 2016 7:50 PM

Great Work! Thank you!

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Decipher Media

February 6, 2016 4:44 AM

Thanks Jeremy!

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Wasim Khalid

February 2, 2016 1:00 PM

great work Decipher tools! worth buying!!!!!!!! Recommended for all.

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Decipher Media

February 3, 2016 11:38 PM

Thanks Wasim! We really appreciate the kind words.

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Nav Chakravarti

January 28, 2016 2:50 PM

This product worked just as advertised. I had an iPhone backup that was corrupted. I had a good backup, started to do another backup and itunes was hung so I did Force Quit. Bad idea! My good backup got "corrupted." So I lost my contacts, messages, photos, voicemails. So discombobulating...

ITunes gave the lovely, "Your backup is corrupted or not compatible" message. Very unhelpful.

Worse yet, I setup a new 6 digit passcode and forgot it and after futzing many times, I ended up disabling my phone. Really frustrating.

After checking various forums, somone from Decipher had posted so I figured why not try it and voila, it worked very well. I was able to delete my old backups, freeing up space, and all my data - photos, messages, voicemails all came through..

Very happy!

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Decipher Media

January 29, 2016 5:21 AM

Thanks for the kind words Nav. We're really happy that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your broken backup! :-)

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Iso Flex

January 28, 2016 6:41 AM

Kelly was fantastic!!!! This program works amazing and helped me get all my stuff back contacts, pics, etc. I went to the apple store and those so called genius's were no help at all. I was there for 2 hours and got nothing. All i got was uhhhh sorry sir nothing we can do. I wouldn't waste time with apple anymore. Going to the store is non-sense, their support on email and phone is garbage. Decipher is the best hands down. Thank you so much-Anthony Toronto,ON Canada

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Decipher Media

January 29, 2016 5:22 AM

Thanks Tony. We're glad that the back and forth emails helped get everything sorted out! We appreciate you being a customer!

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Maximus Tulipus

January 25, 2016 8:28 AM

Great work Decipher tools! worth buying!

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Tabish Tariq

January 22, 2016 3:23 PM

Amazing i was extremely spectical about this...my 6 Plus got bent and i got a replacement and when i went home to restore data it was giving the corrupted error and i panicked tired ibackupbot and some other stuff. Nothing worked i had about 4000 Pictures , x000s messages whatsapp email accounts. Finally i gave this a try and same error came then i did advance repair after a while ..magic restored successfully perfectly beautiful ...
highly recommended!!!! life saver!

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Decipher Media

January 23, 2016 5:25 PM

Hi Mohammad. We're really glad that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your corrupt iPhone backup! Thanks for being a customer and letting us know.

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Sandra Ghaly

January 21, 2016 10:40 PM

This is an amazing program... it really saved my life when I realized that my iPhone backup was corrupt after already erasing my phone. I downloaded both the Decipher Backup Repair and the Decipher Backup Browser. I noticed that the repair fixed the corrupt files but didn't transer my photos to my phone. I am able to see my photos through the Backup Broweser, is there any chance I can restore them back on my phone?

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Sandra Ghaly

January 22, 2016 5:23 AM

Problem solved ... you guys are seriously amazing!!!

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Jen Healy

January 17, 2016 8:25 AM

I am loving this tool so far! Easy to download and run - and love how it shows my very first text message in a conversation - even from years ago!
Question though - how do I get the tool to recognize my latest backup? The trial version automatically started from the latest backup I had on my computer (which was from 60 days ago) but I want to have it read a new back up that I made today after I purchased the full version of Decipher Tools. Help?

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Decipher Media

January 17, 2016 4:54 PM

Hi Jen, thanks for the kind words! We replied to your email with help! ;-)

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Julie Baratta

January 16, 2016 2:06 PM

Best money I have ever spent!

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Pedro Vasconcelos Pinheiro

January 16, 2016 4:46 AM

The real deal. Worth every cent. The program fully recovered my corrupt backup. Apple should buy this guys tomorrow and include their program in iTunes.

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Decipher Media

January 17, 2016 4:55 PM

Thanks Pedro! We're very happy that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your broken iPhone backup. Great news and thanks for being a cusotmer!

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Jorge Rosalio Lara

January 14, 2016 1:56 PM

Funcionó. En mi caso parece que algo relacionado con whatsapp hizo que fallara mi archivo de respaldo. Vale la pena la inversion para no perder el tiempo buscando soluciones alternativas.

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Decipher Media

January 14, 2016 11:26 PM

Hi Jorjucho, send us a support email via our website and we'll be happy to help. We can't find your purchase history or what product you bought. Drop us a note here and we'll be happy to assist: https://deciphertools.com/support.html

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Jorge Rosalio Lara

January 15, 2016 12:10 AM

Decipher Media Tnx Team. I bougth the "Decipher Backup Repair" All is OK. My back up file is fine now, and I could restore my iPhone perfectly. Your tool detected some issue with whatsapp files. After the fix, the backup file was renamed and works fine.

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Kelvin Wong

January 14, 2016 12:10 PM

Awesome!! That's the only App that can really repair iTunes Backup in the world!! I tired other softwares, they can extract files from it, not fix it and resotre to my iPhone. What I want is to retirve WhatApps record in my iPhone, it really works! Thanks to Decipher Backup Repair!!

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Decipher Media

January 14, 2016 6:42 PM

Thanks for the kind words Kelvin! We are really happy our software worked and we appreciate you being a customer!

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Utari Tio

January 14, 2016 4:00 AM

Hi there, i have sucessfully restore my iphone but the problem is 80% of my photos are not restored, they only restores my the latest one and im so disappointed , any ideas to help me on this??? :(

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Decipher Media

January 14, 2016 5:50 PM

Hi Utari, we sent you an email from our support team to help! Check your inbox. ;-)

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James Gatlabayan

January 13, 2016 12:23 PM

2 words = Awesome App. iTunes declared my backup as incompatible or corrupted. Confused, found this app. It may look shady at first, asking you to pay right after it took minutes to look like it's fixing your backup. But what the fudge, I went ahead and payed. Then restored my backup.... and then said HOLY SHIIIZNITZ!!!! IT WORKS!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA Bravo! Lots of thanks!

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Decipher Media

January 13, 2016 7:26 PM

Thanks James! Yea, Decipher Backup Repair really works! ;-) Thanks for the kind words and for being a customer. We really appreciate it. You made our day.

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Susan Dennard Dunlap

January 12, 2016 5:46 PM

OMG! Bless your bones for making this bug fix. You saved me and allllll my pictures and videos of my kids that I thought I'd lost. I'm very thankful for having stumbled on this app. BRAVO!!!

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Decipher Media

January 13, 2016 2:45 AM

Thanks Susan! Great news that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your corrupt iPhone backup and saved your important data. This makes us happy! ;-)

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Darran Teather

January 12, 2016 12:16 AM

I had a ton of space taken up by "other" on my phone and I couldn't get rid of it. I backed up and reset my phone. My heart jumped when it said I could not restore it from my only back-up due to being "corrupt". My searching brought recommendations of Decipher Tools. The eternal skeptic in me doubted off the bat but I had no other easy options and gave it a try. It worked the first attempt! I am very happy and had to share this!

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Decipher Media

January 12, 2016 5:02 PM

Great news Darran. We're so glad that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your broken iPhone backup! Thanks for sharing and letting us know.

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Tomas Pla

January 7, 2016 11:11 PM

Had my doubts but decided to make the purchase and YESSSS it worked by using the advanced repair tool. Thanks Descipher tools for fixing my backup, thanks! thanks!!!!

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Decipher Media

January 8, 2016 5:17 PM

Thank YOU Tomas. We're glad that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your broken iPhone backup! This makes us happy. ;-)

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Rebecca Lynn

January 5, 2016 9:36 AM

works great! Recommended to anyone!

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Decipher Media

January 6, 2016 2:26 AM

Thanks Rebecca! ;-)

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Cassy Lee

January 4, 2016 2:47 PM

It worked perfectly and saved my life, so glad I bumped into this while frantically searching goolgle for a solution. I had my phone replaced at the Apple Store and so couldnt simply do another backup and I knew i'd just backed up that morning! Decipher saved everything including 4,000+ photos. Thank you, well worth every penny

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Decipher Media

January 6, 2016 2:28 AM

We're really happy that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your corrupt iPhone backup Cassy. Thanks for the kind words about our software! ;-)

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Jo Lo

January 2, 2016 10:59 PM

Worked perfectly, transferred my health and activity data, and my text messages to my new 6s! Highly recommend, very reasonable price as well.

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Mia Jansson

January 2, 2016 3:25 PM

I was so sceptical to if anything could repair my backup. If that was the case then I lost my calendar since 20XX! And that would be a disaster!
But everything worked out and I am so happy! My biggest thank you for a great product!

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Decipher Media

January 3, 2016 1:35 AM

Thanks for the kind words Mia! We're really happy Decipher Backup Repair fixed your broken iPhone backup. ;-)

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MelanieRobert Atkins

January 1, 2016 6:32 PM

It worked... mostly. I lost my notes, which was supremely important. Didn't need them but it DID successfully revocer my pictures. Also, it didn't restore a few games, (not gamecenter games). it restored about 80%. Unfortunatly, that didn't include the notes that were so so important.

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Decipher Media

January 2, 2016 1:12 AM

Hi Melanie! We are happy to hear that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your broken backup. We just emailed you with a few suggestions to possibly recover your lost iPhone Notes. Reply to us via email when you get our support message. ;-)

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Aleksandra AK

December 28, 2015 12:34 AM

I never write reviews! This program saved my 7.000 pictures and all other info on my phone!!! When i got new phone i did back up everything like i always do, but when i try restore it for new phone error about corrupt backup keep coming up. I spend 1 h with apple on the phone they said we are really sorry but nothing can be done you lost all your dAta, sorry!! So this program was my last option, and it was the best thing i did!!!! I am soooo thankfull to them!!!

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Jimmy Laurence

December 23, 2015 11:05 AM

Decipher has been a very reliable backup for my last 3 iPhones. Very high marks for their help too. Went above and beyomd to make sure my latest version was working properly.

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Suzie Nisivoccia

December 21, 2015 3:45 PM

Decipher backup repair fixed my corrupt backup!! I can't thank them enough! Money well spent!

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Tracey Pape

December 11, 2015 11:25 PM

Brilliant!! Thanks

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Decipher Media

December 13, 2015 5:19 PM

Thanks for being a customer Tracey and also for the kind words! We really appreciate it.

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December 11, 2015 5:32 AM

I am absolutely delighted!!! Money well-spent!!! Had been trying to fix the problem through google search but was unable to fix it. Finally to give Deciper Tools a try and it fix my problem instantly. Feel my money is well invested!!! Thank you so much Deciper Tools!!!

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Decipher Media

December 11, 2015 3:30 PM

Thanks for the kind words Janson! We are very glad to hear that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your broken iPhone backup.

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December 10, 2015 11:29 AM

Really grateful !!!
thank you very much
Terrific you I love you!!!

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Decipher Media

December 10, 2015 8:45 PM

So happy that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your corrupt backup! ;-)

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Kyna So

December 10, 2015 11:23 AM

My iphone backup was said to be corrupted/incapatible. I almost lost hope in getting my backup repaired, and after more than 10 hours of trying all kinds of method - finally gave it a try as last resort (my husband kept telling me this sounds like a scam). For $29.99 this is totally worth big while for retrieving all the lost data and photo. It totally work well for me and I will definetely recommend it to anyone who encounter the same problem. Grateful for such a helpful tool~

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Andy Martin

December 7, 2015 1:20 PM

15,000+ photos and 20,000+ iMessages saved thanks to this software! Backed up my phone to iTunes as normal and had the phone recplaced by Apple due to a fault. Corrupt iPhone backup would not allow me to restore my phone. Downloaded the Decipher tool and this fixed the issue, paid $29.99, opened iTunes. Selected the back up as titled, restored in 30 minutes! Did take around 4 hours to correct the backup however worth the wait! Thank you!!!

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Decipher Media

December 8, 2015 2:53 PM

We're very happy to hear this Andrew. Thanks for using Decipher Backup Repair and for being a customer. We really appreciate it!

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Gary Lin

December 7, 2015 1:13 PM

It really helps and works greate.

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Will Alston

December 7, 2015 9:59 AM

Was unsure whether the backup repair tool would work at first but the 30 day money back guaruntee enticed me. Without a doubt the best customer support I've ever recieved from Jay W. The program didn't work at first because my problem was slightly different, Jay responded to my email in a matter of hours with all the help I could have wanted. He sent me a custom version of the programme which then fixed my back up and I now have all of my important photos back, would recommend to anyone :-)

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Decipher Media

December 8, 2015 2:54 PM

Thanks Will! Great news that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your broken iPhone backup and saved your data. This makes us happy! ;-)

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Jason Robinson

December 5, 2015 2:36 PM

This is the real deal. Great software very intuative an worked very quickly. I had a corrupt backup file (the only one I had worth restoring). If I didn't get this backup working I would have lost years of my life. As soon as I installed it, Decipher Backup and Repair went to work and peiced the corrupt backup back together and I now have a working iPhone with all my data. I don't know if the Decipher people are interested, but Apple should pay this company millions of dollars to add this software code into iTunes. A no-brainer! But what do I know...

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Rajesh Krishna

December 5, 2015 9:20 AM

hi - Replaced my old iphone. IOS is newer. i'm getting a corrupt file when i'm restoring from a backup on itunes. will decipher restore the entire contents (including whatsapp) ?

Thanks in advance

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Decipher Media

December 6, 2015 3:05 PM

Hi Rajesh, we're happy to help. Send us a support email via our contact page at deciphertools.com and then we can assist!

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Amir Noorani

December 1, 2015 2:16 PM

I am sure they get this all the time, but I was incredibly skeptical. But I got desperate, I was literally changing out my device every week with Apple each time a new iOS came out becaue I could not restore from my backup to any version over 9.0. At first Decipher Backup Repair did not fix the problem, but after contacting support, Kelly got back to me first thing that next morning and sent me a custom build of the software that fixed my issue.

Thank you so much for solving my problem!

This was the best 29.99 I spent all Cyber Monday and Black Friday weekend!

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Decipher Media

December 1, 2015 9:15 PM

Thanks for being a customer Amir! We really appreciate it and we are also very happy that Decipher Backup Repair was able to solve the errors you were experiencing!

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Howard Miller

November 26, 2015 8:17 PM

Used Decipher Backup Repair to get around the "corrupt backup from iTunes" problem. Between the software itself and the top-notch technical support I received from one of the co-founders, I was successfully able to overcome my issue and complete the backup process without issue.

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Diana Shi

November 26, 2015 3:30 PM

It really helps!!!I found DecipherTool from other recommentation. The repairing was fast and effective!!It really worths to spent $30. Thank you Kelly and Jay~

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Decipher Media

November 27, 2015 4:23 PM

Thanks Diana. We are very happy that Decipher Backup Repair was helpful! ;-)

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Michael Hall

November 26, 2015 12:04 AM

I really had my doubts about this tool, but I am SO impressed! I had to follow the steps for "Advanced Repair" of the file and it declared a media file corrupted. All was restored just fine after and I'm grateful for the tool! Every bit worth the fair price of $30. For those interested: My sitiuation was an upgrade to an iPhone 6s from last years 6. Both phones were running the same iOS and all, but the deal was I had to back up the old phone, wipe it clean and then trade it in in order to get the new one. A very nerve-wracking one-way street that almost proved disasterous were it not for Decipher!

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Dave Huang

November 23, 2015 11:17 AM

The initial install of Decipher Backup Repair didn't fix my corrupted backup, but when I reached out for support, Kelly followed up with some detailed questions and was able to send me a modified version of Backup Repair based on my answers that fixed the issue. Needless to say, I'm ECSTATIC that it worked! I won't get into the countless hours that I've spent troubleshooting this between Apple "Geniuses" and other third parties to no avail.. Kelly you are brilliant. Thank you so much!!

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Rahaf Mohammed

November 23, 2015 3:36 AM

It repaired my corrupted backup!! Even apple didn't help me!! I've never thought that i will get my backup back but this is a Miracle!!

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Jean Daniel Milien

November 17, 2015 8:13 PM

This works great, I was skeptical to purchase it, but it got the point where I had to either try or lose, so I chose to give it a try and everything worked out just fine.

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Decipher Media

November 19, 2015 5:04 PM

Thanks for the kind words Jean! We're happy that Decipher Backup Repair fixed your corrupt iPhone backup and saved your important data. ;-)

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